Monday, March 8, 2010

Getting Italian Documents (First part)

Probably the hardest document to get are the documents from Italy. From my experience, it was actually simple. Our first approach was to get the documents through the Italian Embassy. Even though the embassy was very helpful, they were not able to get the documents. So I took it on myself to get this document.
We had an advantage that probably many other people doesn't. We had a copy of the original passport of my great grandfather( by the way his name is Battista). So we had all of his information. The problem was that I had no idea how to obtain the birth certificate. I decided to start investigating and at first the only way was to send the letter to the comune with a response stamp. I was a little lazy at first and thought about finding a company that could help me out. I thought i would pay an amount of money and certainly i would get my document. I read about ICGS(Italian Citizenship and Genealogy Services) and ordered from them my birth certificate. Their customer service is really good. They take a little while to answer emails but they seemed really willing to help me. After about a month of no response, I became a little worried. I really started to investigate more and read more forums.

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